Sunday, January 15, 2012

Monday. . . . . .Day 1-Let's Do This!

It's Monday.  What a great time to start a new fitness program.  If you're new to exercise. . . .that's perfect!  This workout includes moves that you are familiar with and you can modify to suit your fitness level.  If routine exericse is already part of your daily life, great news too. . . adding something new and different into your routine will make your body re-adjust to what it has gotten used to.  Your body remembers what you put it through each day and it gets used to that.  Therefore, when you do the same thing day in and day out, you don't see any changes.  When you introduce something different it "confuses" your body and it has to start working to adapt to those changes.  This is the change. . . .

You will do 1 minute intervals of each exercise with little or no rest in between:

1.  Jumping Jacks-just like in high school

2.  Squats-you can do this move with or without any weight.  If you want to use handweights, you can hold them either down by your side or on your shoulders.  Make sure when  you squat you sit back into your hips, keep your bodyweight in your heels, trying to get your thighs parallel to the floor and performing the squat slowly.  2 counts down, 2 counts up.  Keep good form through out the entire exercise.  If your comfortable with the movement, you can speed it up to 1 count down 1 count up.

3.  Jog in Place-just like it sounds.  Beginners might want a slow jog, more advanced might like to take it up to a faster jog or even a football run.

4.  Push Ups-Perform this move either on your knees or your toes. You can start out on your toes and move to your knees or stay on your knees the entire time. Either way, make sure that your back stays straight, keep your bottom out of the air, bending your elbows lowering your chest as low to the floor as possible.  Do as many as you can in the minute.  If it's only 3 that's ok it will be 4 next time.

5.  Bicycle Crunches-Feet are lifted, knees are at a 90 degree angle, shins parallel to the floor.  Lifting shoulders off the floor, alternate pressing your right shoulder to your lift knee as you extend your right leg straight out.  Change sides and continue repeating for 1 minute.

Repeat the entire sequence 3 times totalling a quick 15 minute work out. 

We'll start with these simple, familiar moves that you have probably seen or done before.  But believe me, there's lots more to come! :) If you have any questions, let me know.


  1. I like your idea! I am trying to get back to where I was just before I started teaching. I have several limitations so I have to be careful with some exercises. I will keep an eye on this and maybe it will be motivating for me, even if I can't do the same exercises!

  2. This might be do-able. I like the video idea, since I am a visual learner.

  3. This is awesome! I might have to add this to my 90-day challenge. Great idea!
