Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 3

This weeks workout is an interval of 2 minutes of cardio to 1 minute of sculpting. You will continue alternating cardio & sculpting exercises for the entire 15 minutes.  Try and not to rest between exercises but if you need a break. . .take it!
You will need a jumprope and a pair of 5-8 lb. hand weights.

1.  Jumprope - 2 minutes
2.  Overhead military press - 1 minute (weights in hands by shoulders, palms forward, elbows by sides, press hands straight up overhead and return to starting position)
3.  Run in place - 2 minutes
4.  Weighted Squats - 1 minute (squats with weights resting on shoulders)
5.  Jumping Jacks - 2 minutes
6.  Bicep Curls - 1 minute (holding weights by side, arms straight, palms facing forward, curl weights up almost touching shoulders and return to starting position)
7.  Football Run - 2 minutes
8.  Side Lateral Lifts - 1 minute (weights down by side, palms facing inward, lift weights up & out to the side no more than shoulder level, return to starting position)
9.  Alpine Ski - 2 minutes (body weight in your left foot hop laterally to the right, landing softly with a bent knee as if skiing. make the movement as big as you comfortably can keeping the weight only in 1 foot)
10.  Tricep press - 1 minute (holding weights in hands directly overhead, palms facing each other, lower weights behind your head and back up to starting position, keeping elbows pressed in towards your head)

That's It!! This can be repeated for a 30 minute workout.  Don't forget to stay hydrated and drink lots of water!!


  1. WHOA!!! I really like this one! It sounds like a vigorous workout. Obviously, being physically fit is important to our general health as much as our mental health. If more of our students could be taken away from the exercise offered by games played at various keyboards, our societies perhaps would be far better off as far as the battle of the buldge.

  2. Great workout, but I think you are trying to kill us since it's only week 3. I think I may try this week's workout (if I can find 15 minutes).
